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The Gathering

Register for the Gathering on Zoom, here.

As we gather on Zoom, we ritually embody our faith life and community as ministers to and with one another. We also gather to reimagine and liberate scripture in ways that help us embody our faith so that our diverse selves and contexts become a living part of the radical love and justice of the Gospel.

Our time together will include:

  • Gathering Music: Music to gather and center us into our time and purpose together.

  • Opening Ritual: A time for community-building guided reflection and sharing.

  • Divine Reading (Lectio Divina): A Spirit-led, meditative scripture reading using multiple different interpretations and/or Gospel versions of the day’s scripture to deepen our living understanding of the scripture, its interpretations, and meaning for us today.

  • Relational Reflection & Prayer: We reflect on the day’s scripture and theme together and engage provided reflection questions as a way of integrating the living scripture into our lives, relationships, contexts, and faith community. We also use this time to offer personal and communal pray requests.

  • Communion: A time to commune over a small meal with one another and sharing in Our Creator’s Prayer (Juniper Formation's version).

    If you have any questions or want more information about the Gathering, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

December 13

The Gathering

January 19

The Gathering